ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorders

“Rain Children”, as autistic cinema calls it, have “oddities” in behavior, do not like contact with others, and see the world in a completely different way than other people. These symptoms are very difficult to treat. The complete course of classical therapeutic treatment allows some improvement in a child’s social adaptation and verbal skills but does not solve the problem at a cellular level.

The generalized term “autism” refers to several syndromes that form the autistic spectrum of disorders:

  • Asperger’s syndrome;
  • Autistic spectrum;
  • Pervasive developmental disorder;
  • Childhood disintegrative disorder.

New type of therapy is increasingly used in autism correction protocols. It has allowed many children to get rid of symptoms and organically integrate into society. New type of autism correction on the cell level is now considered to be the most effective and promising method compared to physical, pharmacological and behavioral therapy, and verbal skills correction.

Compared with conservative therapy, new therapy allows more stable and clear results to be achieved in a short period. At the same time, it has practically no contraindications, is perfectly tolerated by the patient and is much more effective than taking medications or working with a psychologist. In the vast majority of cases, children become more socially active, mentally and emotionally developed, form thoughts and words more easily, and are interested in the world around them.
